12 Movies Where The Villain Turns Good

8. Magneto (X-Men: Age Of Apocalypse)

The Grinch

One can’t help but feel at least a little sorry for Erik Lehnsherr in this one. Living quietly as a loving husband and father, Erik is found out as the legendary Magneto when he saves a colleague at the factory he works at. This discovery costs his wife and daughter their lives, breaking Magneto’s spirit in the process.

Teaming up with Apocalypse and friends, Magneto lays a ridiculous electromagnetic beatdown on planet Earth. Easily the most destructive he’s ever been, Magneto’s world wrecking antics come undone witnessing Apocalypse’s true nature. Instinctively upset by (unbeknownst to him at this point) son Quicksilver’s broken leg, Magneto takes a stand and protects the X-Men from their newest and bluest foe.

Admitting to betraying his real friends in the form of Xavier and co. Magneto becomes a key figure in Apocalypse’s eventual defeat. In the aftermath, he restores the Xavier Mansion and makes his peace before leaving. While Magneto often helps the X-Men, this one stands out for the heartbreaking nature of his initial return to villainy and the epic scale of his climactic redemption.

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The Grinch
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