12 Movies Worth Watching Over & Over Again

3. Ghostbusters

Obviously Bill Murray was going to make it onto this list in some way or another, and luckily he brought his buddy Dan Aykroyd with him. Ghostbusters is just one of those movies that stays great, no matter how many times you see it. I remember where I was the first time I saw it and now I feel like watching it almost every other weekend (as a big Rick Moranis fan, this thirst is usually quenched by a repeat viewing of Ghostbusters or an impromptu search for my Honey, I Shrunk The Kids VHS). The film's got romance, horror, comedy, thriller, mystery, and Sigourney Weaver. Is there really not a channel that just plays Ghostbusters on a loop yet? Come on, guys. That's a great idea. I would put money on the fact that somewhere in the world, there is always someone watching Ghostbusters (or acting out Ghostbusters, at least). This movie is a masterpiece, and with recent talk of a remake, we all need to watch this movie a few times so that we can remember what it's really about - scientists getting the women in the end!

Colleen is an aspiring scriptwriter with a knack for puns and trouble avoiding speeding tickets. She enjoys NBC and BBC, along with the rest of the alphabet. She spends her days working on The Morning After for Hulu.com.