12 Movies Worth Watching Over & Over Again

8. The Princess Bride

Another Cary Elwes feature that makes the list (I promise it's a coincidence) is The Princess Bride. The first thing I have to say about this movie is that it is adorable. Nine out of ten girlfriends will enjoy their boyfriend recommending this movie for a stay-in date night. It's one of the best fairy tale love stories to come out of any studio that isn't Disney or Pixar, which is definitely saying something. It has all the classic elements: a princess, a kidnapping, a long lost love, a revenge story, and as a bonus, it has Andre The Giant playing, well... an actual giant! If you haven't seen this movie, you probably don't understand references like "Inconceivable!" or "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" The reason this movie is so darn rewatchable is mainly down to its weight. It has the drama that a love story demands, but chooses to focus on the comedy and give the viewer something light that will charm its way back into your DVD player - almost without you noticing.

Colleen is an aspiring scriptwriter with a knack for puns and trouble avoiding speeding tickets. She enjoys NBC and BBC, along with the rest of the alphabet. She spends her days working on The Morning After for Hulu.com.