12 Movies You Constantly Have To Defend Loving

10. The Marine

Guilty pleasure filmmaking at its zenith: a full-fat, high caffeine throwback to agreeably moronic 80s action pictures that exists for no other reason than to make an action hero out of wrestler/rapper John Cena, the drinking man€™s Matt Damon. Abruptly discarged from the marines because he €œdisobeyed a direct order€, Cena makes the mistake of pulling into the same gas station as Robert Patrick and his crew, who€™ve just heisted some diamonds. When Patrick€™s comic relief henchman wastes a cop, they kidnap Cena€™s wife and turn the station into a fireball with him inside, but of course he survives, steals a car and heads off in pursuit. With this material there€™s no point claiming the narrative is thin and far-fetched, that its leading man, while required to show superhuman grace onscreen, may have some limitations as a thespian or that we€™ve been here often enough to guess every plot point ahead of time. It€™s fast and funny (if Terminator and Deliverance gags are your thing) and there€™s lots of crash-pow stuff. What more do you want?

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'