12 Movies You Constantly Have To Defend Loving

9. Barb Wire

It€™s 2017, the Second American Civil War is underway and the last safe place in the country is Fort Steel Harbour, but if you want to get there alive, you€™ll require the services of Barb Wire (Pamela Anderson), a nightclub owner who moonlights as a bounty hunter in a slow month and will kill any man that calls her €œbabe.€ Even Roger Ebert conceded that the movie €œhas a high energy level and a sense of deranged fun€, but most viewers disagreed and stayed away. The Razzies salted those wounds with nominations for Worst Actress/Original Song/Picture/Screen Couple, plus a €˜win€™ for Pammy as Worst New Star. It€™s easy to mock Anderson, but since her character is basically a dominatrix with a machine gun, she's never called upon to emote and with her in the lead you know you€™ll have to leave your grey matter at home. Taking its visual cues from previous comic book adaptation The Crow, Barb Wire knows it€™s B-grade material and never attempts to take itself too seriously. It€™s one of Hollywood€™s more honest pictures - it promises trash and delivers it.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'