12 Nightmarish Sci-Fi Movie Scenes That Freaked You Out

3. The Factory - The Terminator

The Matrix
20th Century Fox

Another classic from James Cameron (he is one of the masters of sci-fi horror really), The Terminator is a race from start to finish. By the end of the film, the machine seems defeated and, after being on the run for nearly two hours, the audience is just as exhausted as Sarah Connor is by the whole affair.

But just when it all seems over, the Terminator rises from the fire in its true form, still not dead. It's like a dream where you're trying to run from something but your legs won't move - you just can't get away.

The next scene is then heart-stopping as Sarah, out of sheer desperation, is chased through a factory by the Terminator, before it's finally crushed with a hydraulic press. It just doesn't seem to die.

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The Matrix
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Jamie is a freelance broadcast journalist and writer, with a particular obsession for sci-fi, theatre and politics. In his spare time he enjoys amateur dramatics and making homemade curries.