12 Nightmarish Sci-Fi Movie Scenes That Freaked You Out

2. Blood Sample - The Thing

The Matrix

The Thing is another of those films where the characters are constantly looking over their shoulder, and while aliens infiltrating a group is a frightening thought, it's even more freaky to think that an alien is able to disguise itself as one of the group.

That's the predicament the characters of The Thing find themselves in. In an attempt to find out who has been contaminated by the creature after numerous attacks, Kurt Russell's MacReady carries out blood samples on the remaining survivors, discovering Palmer is infected. At this point he transforms into a grotesque entity, and tries to infect everyone else, before MacReady is forced to torch him with a flamethrower.

It's another great example of the use of practical effects and just makes the whole thing seem so real.

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The Matrix
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Jamie is a freelance broadcast journalist and writer, with a particular obsession for sci-fi, theatre and politics. In his spare time he enjoys amateur dramatics and making homemade curries.