12 Perfect Stories Affleck's Solo Batman Movie Must Adapt

3. Arkham: A Serious House On Serious Earth

Arkham Asylum Serious House JOker.jpg
DC Comics

Given that we've already got a hulking warrior Batman with a predilection for extreme violence, and a Joker who seems to revel in inflicting "really, really bad" pain, not considering A Serious House for adaptation would be a travesty.

The Bat in a mousetrap maze story sees The Joker enact a cunning scheme to trap Batman within Arkham Asylum (you've heard this before if you've played the Rocksteady games) and set all of the inmates on him. Clearly it wouldn't be the smartest Batman film ever, but Affleck has already proved his adeptness at action in the Batsuit, and what better way to showcase that? Think Escape From New York with more Rogues Gallery members (you could even add in any surviving Suicide Squad members for a brand boost).

There was already almost a comic book movie based on this iconic comic - only with Green Arrow in place of Batman as the locked away hero. The fact that David S Goyer's Green Arrow: Escape From SuperMax was eventually over-looked doesn't mean it wasn't a great idea, and adding a higher billed hero would do it further service.


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