12 Perfect Stories Affleck's Solo Batman Movie Must Adapt

7. The Court Of Owls

Batman Court of Owls.jpg
DC Comics

Again, bringing the excellent Court Of Owls storyline to life would mean using lesser known villains (to movie fans), but the Scott Snyder written story would be a strong contender if Warner Bros decide not to reuse the Joker immediately.

The best thing about the Court Of Owls story is what it does for Gotham. After the city was basically rubbed out of Nolan's continuity as an identity in its own right, some restorative work is needed, and introducing a group of villains who have controlled it since Medieval times would be a quick way to do that.

There's opportunity here, again, to focus on Batman the detective, and having him as the victim (or at least the target) in his own film would take us to a place we've never been before with a Batman film. Plus there's an intriguing opportunity to introduce Dick Grayson, which needs to be done sooner or later if he's to blossom into Nightwing as fans want.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.