12 Pointless Subplots In Otherwise Awesome Movies

10. Amsterdam & Jenny's Romance - Gangs Of New York

Gangs Of New York Leonardo DiCaprio Cameron Diaz

Martin Scorsese's period epic is effortlessly propped up by Daniel Day-Lewis' monumental performance, but it's also a pretty great movie in its own right...if you can get over that icky romantic subplot between Leonardo DiCaprio's protagonist Amsterdam Vallon and Cameron Diaz's grifter Jenny Everdeane.

Jenny's prime function in the film is to further exemplify the rift between Vallon and his father's murderer, Bill The Butcher (Day-Lewis), but in a film running dangerously close to 3 hours, such melodrama just detracts from the already palpable tension of Vallon and Bill's inevitable showdown.

To make matters worse, Diaz was woefully miscast in the role, only exacerbating how utterly perfunctory her inclusion, and that of the entire love triangle conceit, feels in a movie with so many more interesting things going on.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.