12 Pointless Subplots In Otherwise Awesome Movies

4. Winnie & Indy - Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom

Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom Harrison Ford Kate Capshaw

Love interests don't get much more unnecessary than Willie Scott (Kate Capshaw), the major weak link in an otherwise highly entertaining Indiana Jones sequel, needlessly dragged along for the ride by Indy (Harrison Ford), and worse still, becoming his romantic partner despite the fact the characters clearly despise one another.

It doesn't help that Willie's such a huge comedown from Karen Allen's Marion Ravenwood, and honestly, did the movie really need a love story at all? Indy and Short Round (Jonathan Ke Quan) just doing their thing without Willie's screeching and the aggressively forced love story would've been so much more entertaining.

Granted, this barely qualifies as a subplot considering how it invades the majority of the movie, but given that Willie could be removed from the movie without affecting its outcome, she definitely qualifies as a pointless addition. Director Steven Spielberg, who went on to marry her, probably doesn't agree, though.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.