12 Pointless Subplots In Otherwise Awesome Movies

5. The Kid - The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix Reloaded The Kid
Warner Bros.

The Matrix Reloaded isn't as iconic or ground-breaking as its predecessor, but it's still an extremely well-executed action extravaganza with some of the most memorable set-pieces from any blockbuster of the last two decades.

However, one of its more maligned elements is the bizarre subplot involving The Kid (Clayton Watson), essentially a fawning Neo (Keanu Reeves) fanboy who doesn't do much in Reloaded beyond prove an active irritation to both The One and The Audience.

Yes, if you bother to watch The Animatrix it reveals that he's one of the few humans to free himself from the Matrix without the use of a red pill, and he does help open the dock gate in The Matrix Revolutions...but none of this justifies why the irksome character really needed to exist in the first place.

Couldn't a character already known to us, Hell, Captain Mifune (Nathaniel Lees) himself, not have blasted open the gate instead? He was certainly a much cooler and more likeable character than the Kid, who felt pointlessly shoehorned into both movies for no real reason.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.