12 Possible Meanings Of Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Title

8. Leia Is The Referenced Skywalker

Rise Of The Skywalker

This is a more general rather than a specific idea as it is hard to nail one down as to how the episode nine title could be referring to our princess and general. Alas though it is not out of the realm of possibility for the title to be referencing Leia rather than the more obvious Skywalker's.

It could mean Leia rises as a force ghost after her demise in this film. After all we know she is force sensitive, perhaps between episodes eight and nine she was taught from Luke.

Some other unlikely options relate to Leia rising in the ranks of the resistance or republic, her displaying more practical and direct uses of the force therefore rising in power and rising to prominence relating what Yoda refers to in Empire Strikes Back as he exclaims “there is another”.

We all wait with bated breath to see what happens with Leia in episode nine, and how the real life loss of the icon Carrie Fisher will effect the film. It is an intriguing idea though to put forward that Leia is the referenced Skywalker in the mysterious title.


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