12 Potential Future James Bond Directors

11. Daniel Espinosa

Daniel Espinosa After breaking through in 2010 with gripping crime thriller Snabba Cash, Daniel Espinosa quickly made the jump to Hollywood with the $85m actioner Safe House, which went on to earn more than $200m worldwide. While not as inspired a choice as some of the other names on this list, Espinosa would be a safe pair of hands capable of working from the established franchise template. And at just 37, the director has plenty of time yet to hone his craft. Snabba Cash offered a fast-paced narrative and solid performances directed with confidence and energy, while Safe House established Espinosa as a director suitably equipped for working with big stars under the watchful eye of studio executives. The direction wasn't the problem with that movie, it was well-shot but suffered from ADD-afflicted editing and an underwritten script. While he wouldn't be a choice to excite fans of the franchise, Daniel Espinosa would likely deliver a solid and action-packed Bond movie.

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