12 Potential Post-Credits Scenes For Avengers: Age Of Ultron

1. Captain Marvel (With Julie Delpy Or Linda Cardellini)

Out of all the announced Phase 3 movies, Captain Marvel initially seems the least likely film to be set-up by Age Of Ultron; the studio's first female stand-alone won't hit until 2018 and, as already seen, there's much bigger fish to fry. However, the recent announcement that Julie Delpy and Linda Cardellini have both just been added to the film's cast in unknown roles has pushed the idea to the fore. Such a late in the day addition can mean two things; the roles are so insignificant they didn't warrant mentioning before (strange with semi-prominent actors, but not unheard of in the MCU) or they've only just shot their scene. The latter would clearly point to the duo starring in one of the stings, and as Marvel doesn't have the most gender diverse key female players, it's likely one of these two is playing Carol Danvers. What a Captain Marvel scene would entail is total speculation at the moment; little is known about the film (beyond that it's the female version of the titular hero). It's not even clear if the character's origin will be kept the same as in print; Danvers got her powers when she was caught in an explosion with Kree warrior Mar-Vell, an origin so bonkers it'd be no surprise if it was rewritten. Still, the recent news makes it a pretty safe bet. Traditionally, the actors who appear only in a movies post-credits scene (Samuel L. Jackson in Iron Man and Thor, Benicio del Toro in Thor: The Dark World) have been uncredited, but as stings become a bigger deal and lengthy, intricate contracts ever-more prominent in the coverage of Marvel, it's probable such appearances will wind up needing to be acknowledged under SAG rules. Likelihood: 6/10 What do you think the Avengers: Age Of Ultron post credits scene will be? Share your educated guesses down in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.