12 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About Star Wars: The Last Jedi
7. The Maz Kanata Cameo Was Terrible
Maz Kanata makes an incredibly brief appearance in the movie via video call, as she instructs Finn and Rose to head to Canto Bight and track down the master codebreaker who can help them out.
The scene feels off for two reasons: firstly, Maz is in the middle of a gunfight (or as she calls it, a "union dispute"), yet the camera she's using to call Finn and Rose moves around with her like a cinematic movie camera would, even changing camera angles at one point. Who the hell is "directing" this video call? It makes no sense and feels a little insulting to the audience's intelligence.
Then there's the fact that Maz refers to the codebreaker as "knowing a lot of things", with a tone that implies she's had some amorous interactions with him in the past. It's clearly meant to be funny, but it's ultimately more bizarre than anything. Does anyone want or need the mental image of Maz engaging in some ahem, inter-species relations? Ewww.
More than all this, Maz's appearance just felt perfunctory and shoehorned in for the sake of it. There was surely a less contrived way for the gang to learn about the codebreaker, no?