12 Questions About Harry Potter Movies That Keep You Up At Night

Seriously though, why Mundungus?!

Mundungus Fletcher
Warner Bros.

With the Harry Potter franchise, J.K. Rowling created a truly immersive world of witchcraft and wizardry, capturing the imagination of the entire world. With a story such as this, there is literally no limits to what can happen, except the rules laid out in the story itself.

As such, there is an incredible amount of detail, and lore poured into the story, creating an entire world and society from nothing. However, while there are some of the tiniest details to explain seemingly insignificant aspects of the story and the world itself, that doesn't mean that there aren't some biggies left out.

Whether they are about the story themselves, or if some minor detail was left out when the books translated to the big screen, it's impossible to watch all eight movies and not have any questions at the end. While J.K. Rowling occasionally takes to twitter or interviews to try and fill in some gaps about the story, we can't be expected to read every single tweet or quote to make sense of our favourite movies.

Some are incredibly trivial and make no real difference to the over-arcing story, while some are bigger, and the omission of an explanation for which is more surprising. Either way, these questions went unanswered in the movies themselves, and they will haunt you.

12. What Is The Punishment For Breaking A Magical Contract?

Mundungus Fletcher
Warner Bros.

While the witches and wizards of Hogwarts literally go to school to learn how to make just about anything happen, there are still a lot of rules in place to prevent it. The power these children are learning could easily be translated into something terrible, as with Tom Riddle, so there still need to be laws in place.

One such law is the magical contract. Seemingly exactly the same as a muggle contract, two parties become locked into an agreement that cannot be breached without consequences. The biggest example of this in Harry Potter is during the Triwizard Cup. Though Harry didn't put his name in the goblet himself, the act of having it pulled out bound him to compete by way of a magical contract.

But what exactly would be the punishment for breaking such an agreement? Surely any level headed wizard would forbid the young Potter from competing underage, yet still he was forced to out of fear of these consequences.

But what could be worse than potentially being killed by a fire breathing dragon? This is what Harry was being forced to do as a preferable option to breaking the contract, but what could that possibly be the preferable option to?

Would Harry have had his wand taken away? Would he have been killed or tortured had he not competed? If not, it's hard to see how the punishment for breaking the contract could have possibly been worse than what he had to face in the tournament. Surely the only thing worse than almost certain death, is certain death?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.