12 Questions You Should Be Asking About Upcoming Movies

10. How Can A Spork Be Alive? - Toy Story 4

FOrky Toy Tory 4

There are several questions we all need to ask about Toy Story 4, frankly: the first is whether Woody is really going to die and the second is why would they do that to us?

Even more pressingly, given the film’s existential concerns and the introduction of new character, Forky, a living spork is what the hell makes a toy.

Presumably, we’re going to see an explanation that toys come to life when a child injects their imagination, but that makes no sense. If that was the case, why would toys still in the supermarket come to life? They don’t have owners or anyone to play with, so the logic doesn’t make sense.

So, how the hell can Forky be alive? It can’t just be a matter of sticking eyes on something, can it?


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