12 Questions You Should Be Asking About Upcoming Movies

4. How Do They Replace Arnie? - Terminator 6

Terminator 6
Skydance Productions

Halloween's 2018 reboot/sequel's biggest masterstroke was ignoring the mess that the sequels had become and returning the story - with a soft reboot of sorts - to where it used to still be good. Terminator's next chapter is doing the same thing, impressively, with James Cameron back on board and Tim Miller directing a direct sequel to Judgement Day.

This is all good news - and the purported plans for a new trilogy smack of confidence - but it's difficult to see how the franchise can overcome the same issue it's been struggling with since Terminator 3. How do you solve a problem like Arnold Schwarzenegger?

There are some suggestions that the film will seed a new generation of characters, but you have to wonder whether that's even possible now. The franchise is just too closely tied to its breakout star, worryingly, but at least it seems they're addressing it.


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