12 Questions You Should Be Asking About Upcoming Movies

5. Why Has Captain Marvel Been Hiding? - Captain Marvel

Avengers: Infinity War Captain Marvel Pager
Marvel Studios

There's a fairly big mystery hanging over Captain Marvel. It's not just the inference that there's been a Skrull invasion of Earth or the question of where she's been for the more-than-two-decades since her film is set, it's WHY she's not been around.

There has to be some cataclysmic event in that movie that forces her away, given that Nick Fury has a pager designed specifically to call her in when there's an emergency. But it's not just that, is it? Because there have been other emergencies in other MCU movies: Thor's "invasion" led to serious SHIELD anxiety, Loki's invasion threatened the Earth, Ultron almost caused a mass extinction event... And Fury was aware of them all.

What exactly was so bad about Captain Marvel's situation that none of those were big enough to warrant her coming out of hiding? That's the really compelling mystery here.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.