12 Really Stupid Decisions In Comic Book Movie History

7. Lex Accidentally Unites His "Enemies" - Batman V Superman

Batman V Superman
Warner Bros

Batman v Superman is far from the cleverest superhero movie out there, but it would take a lot for anything in it to be dumber than Lex Luthor's plan.

Under the apparent guise of stopping Superman from becoming an instrument of tyranny or perhaps because he just doesn't like him, Luthor seeks to destroy Supes by having him and Batman fight. As an added bonus, he hopes they'll destroy each other.

Quite why he doesn't think just unleashing Doomsday on them both separately is a better idea than getting them together and running the risk of them aligning against him when they realise what his flimsy plan really is. And bringing Wonder Woman along for the ride too. He effectively engineers his own downfall.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.