12 Really Stupid Decisions In Comic Book Movie History

6. Commissioner Gordon Sends The Entire Police Force Into A Trap - The Dark Knight Rises

Jim Gordon The Dark Knight
Warner Bros.

There are typically two questions that fans and critics can't quite let go when it comes to The Dark Knight Rises. The first one - dealing with how Bruce Wayne managed to get back to Gotham - usually comes down to an angry "because he's Batman" retort, but the other is more problematic still.

Why is it that a decorated cop and leader believes it is a good idea to send the ENTIRE police force into the Gotham sewer system in pursuit of Bane? Sure, send some of them, but mismanaging Gotham PD's entire resources like allowing a pack of dogs chase a ball is completely out of character. Even for a less intelligent, experienced man, it would be utterly idiotic.

He might as well have baited Bane's trap himself.


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