12 Really Stupid Decisions In Comic Book Movie History
6. Commissioner Gordon Sends The Entire Police Force Into A Trap - The Dark Knight Rises
There are typically two questions that fans and critics can't quite let go when it comes to The Dark Knight Rises. The first one - dealing with how Bruce Wayne managed to get back to Gotham - usually comes down to an angry "because he's Batman" retort, but the other is more problematic still.
Why is it that a decorated cop and leader believes it is a good idea to send the ENTIRE police force into the Gotham sewer system in pursuit of Bane? Sure, send some of them, but mismanaging Gotham PD's entire resources like allowing a pack of dogs chase a ball is completely out of character. Even for a less intelligent, experienced man, it would be utterly idiotic.
He might as well have baited Bane's trap himself.