12 Reasons Justice League Should Follow Up Man Of Steel

5. Focus On Other Characters

Other Characters Although Kryptonite isn't introduced into this storyline; Darkseid is able to take Superman down pretty quickly with his omega beams. With the Man of Steel taken out of the fight it's up to the rest of the members to take on a cosmic villain without their cosmic hero. This can add some weight to the cast of characters (namely Green Lantern), as the other heroes get their chance to face off with Darkseid. This would give Henry Cavil time to do sequels to Man of Steel, and an opportunity for audience members to spend more getting to know these other characters we€™ve been waiting to see on the big screen.

A wannabe entertainment journalist and critic but also comic book enthusiast. I love all things pop-culture, but you can sell me a movie as it either has: Zombies, Sharks, Superheroes or a combination of the three. Most importantly though a follower of Christ!