12 Reasons Justice League Should Follow Up Man Of Steel

4. Retreading The Same Ground and Damage Control

Batman..GL Once Superman's been captured, Batman comes up with a plan to get him back in the game, but not before he and the Green Lantern straighten out some things. The material here allows Warner Bros. and DC to do some damage control; not only to solidify Green Lantern's place among these heroes, and hopefully move him away from the debacle of Ryan Reynolds' film. It also covers the ground for Batman's origin, which fans are all too familiar with by this point with just a few lines of exposition, so the next time we see Batman he can just start as the guardian of Gotham City. A lot of the story centers on Batman and Green Lantern, and it will allow audiences a chance to become acquainted with the new actors who will ultimately carry the mantle for these characters for the duration of the franchise.

A wannabe entertainment journalist and critic but also comic book enthusiast. I love all things pop-culture, but you can sell me a movie as it either has: Zombies, Sharks, Superheroes or a combination of the three. Most importantly though a follower of Christ!