12 Reasons Spider-Man: Homecoming Is The Best Spidey Movie Ever

Welcome home, Spidey.

Spider-Man Homecoming Iron Man
Marvel Studios

The long-awaited Spider-Man: Homecoming is finally here, and seems to be going over exceptionally well with critics and fans alike.

While it doesn't quite reach the upper echelons of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there is an argument to be made that it's the most decisively confident and downright entertaining Spider-Man movie to date.

Looking back at Sam Raimi's somewhat dated Spidey trilogy and the unfortunately misguided Andrew Garfield Amazing Spider-Man flicks, it's easy to see how the MCU has brought the character into 2017 with a bang, while firmly planting seeds for the future.

This is the Spider-Man movies fans have always wanted to see: hilarious, action-packed and even meaningful on occasion. On the basis of this movie, it's clear that the web-slinger is in safe hands from this point on...

12. There's No Origin Story This Time

Spiderman Homecoming Flag
Marvel Studios

Though Sam Raimi's original Spider-Man movie did a fantastic job telling Peter Parker's origin story, 2012's The Amazing Spider-Man made the fatal mistake of needlessly re-telling it rather than just moving on with Peter Parker already donning the spandex.

As such, when a second reboot movie under the Marvel Studios banner was announced, there was worry that fans would be forced to sit through another pointless rehash of the superhero's well-known origin.

Mercifully, this isn't the case, as though Peter is still very much in the early stages of being Spidey, there's only a single line of dialogue about his iconic spider bite, with Homecoming being very much concerned with moving the character far beyond that incident.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.