12 Reasons The Star Wars Sequels Aren't As Bad As You Think

11. The Three Films Are Fantastic On A Technical Level

Star Wars Sequels

Putting aside any gripes about the story, the Sequel Trilogy certainly deserves praise for how great is is on a technical level.

In terms of cinematography, sound and visual effects the three films did a bang-up job, with The Last Jedi in particular being a very visually striking film. Admittedly, John Williams' scores weren't on the same level as the brilliance of his work in the Original or Prequel Trilogies, but he still delivered the goods overall.

These are undeniably very well-made blockbusters and they're certainly better than the flat, video game-like look of the Prequel Trilogy.

In these three movies, you can find some of the best shots in the entire franchise, such as the tracking shots of the Falcon in the escape from Jakku sequence, the Battle of Crait in Last Jedi and, best of all, Two fantastic callbacks to the iconic twin sun shot from A New Hope.

Firstly, Luke Skywalker looking out to sea just before his death and secondly, the very final shot of the Skywalker Saga - Rey and BB8 silhouetted in front of Tattooine's twin suns. Beautiful.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.