12 Recent Movies That Really Shouldn't Have Been Boring

8. X-Men: Apocalypse

The Mule Clint Eastwood
20th Century Studios

Fox's time at the helm of the X-Men franchise produced plenty of ups and downs, but Apocalypse marked the beginning of a downward spiral that would lead the series to the catastrophic Dark Phoenix, while spinoffs like Logan and the Deadpool movies reaped the critical and commercial rewards.

The rebooted timeline got off to a great start with First Class, before original architect Bryan Singer returned to the fray and merged the two timelines together with Days of Future Past, which marked a high point for the merry band of mutants in terms of both box office and reactions from critics.

However, Apocalypse is where the wheels started to come off, not least for casting one of Hollywood's fastest-rising stars in Oscar Isaac and burying him under six feet of Ivan Ooze cosplay. The title villain's motivations were yawn-inducingly cliched, the new additions to the cast displayed all of the charisma and screen presence of a discarded napkin, and once again the X-Men franchise opted for spectacle over substance in a finale that favored CGI overload and massive-scale destruction over anything else.


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