12 Ridiculous Castings That Almost Ruined DC Comic Book Movies

7. Jack Black - Green Lantern

Arnold Schwarzenegger Superman
Warner Bros.

The Role: Hal Jordan

Who Was Cast Instead: Ryan Reynolds

What Happened?

Before Reynolds added another comic book misstep to his CV, there was an alternate version with a far goofier script, and Jack Black - of all people - was in talks to star. Here's how he remembers it:

There was a really funny script, an awesome script that I wanted to do, by the genius Robert Smigel [Triumph the Insult Comic Dog]… but they didn’t want to pull the trigger. They were making zillions of dollars with all their other superhero movies — they didn’t want to mess with that formula.

Luckily for them what they actually made was hugely successful and profitable... Oh no, wait.

The Results

Green Lantern is rightly considered one of the worst DC superhero movies ever made, but had Jack Black made his comedic version, it would have been a run-away winner of Worst Ever.

The way Smigeltalks about his film, it sounds like a hell of a dodged bullet: it would have featured a lot of goofy jokes, with the power ring going to the wrong person, and him basically slap-sticking his way to super-heroism. Yuck.


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