12 Ridiculous Castings That Almost Ruined DC Comic Book Movies

6. Marlon Wayans - Batman Returns

Arnold Schwarzenegger Superman

The Role: Robin

Who Was Cast Instead: Nobody

What Happened?

Wayans was actually cast as Robin for Burton's sequel, but ended up cut because the film was too busy. He doesn't seem too bitter, since he still gets paid for it:

"But there was too many characters. I was cast, I was paid and everything. I still get residual checks. Tim Burton didn't wind up doing three, Joel Schumacher did it and he had a different vision for who Robin was. So he hired Chris O' Donnell....I get why they picked Chris O' Donnell, because it would be messed up to have Batman and you've got Robin, and his bulge is somewhat bigger than Batman's. Batman would have a serious problem with that."

The Results

Aside from Requiem For A Dream (and to a lesser extent The Heat), Wayans has never made a good film. He's made a fascinating number of Rotten movies by Rotten Tomatoes' ratings, and he is an acquired taste to say the least who appears to be more comfortable with awful "comedy" material in the likes of Fifty Shades Of Black than actually trying to prove himself a good actor.

Sure, Chris O'Donell's Robin was limited when he was eventually cast, but who wants a Scary Movie clown mugging around while Batman tries to be super-serious?


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