12 Ruthless Movie Villains Who Lost To Complete Fools

4. Freddy Krueger

Nightmare on Elm Street Robert Englund Freddy Krueger
New Line Cinema/Warner Bros

The Heroes: Lots Of Teenagers

Even despite the terrible sequels released in his name, Freddy Krueger remains the single most iconic horror villain in the history of cinema - there is something tangibly gripping about his look and his disarming charisma, and the early performances by Robert Englund were enough to have us all weeping and sleep-deprived.

But Krueger was repeatedly defeated by a small army of teenagers, themselves sleep-deprived and battling with their hormones, who somehow overcame their crippling fear of him, and his big slicey glove to send him packing into the ether again. And yet none of the teenagers who bested Freddy were particularly skilled or strong, they invariably ran away and gave him ample opportunity to kill them.

They should never have escaped his blades. But Freddy was also his worst nightmare, spending way too much time larking about making jokes and generally acting as camp as Christmas to actually get the simple job done.

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