12 Ruthless Movie Villains Who Lost To Complete Fools

5. The Terminator

Terminator Genisys Movie Series Timeline Explained

The Hero: Sarah Connor

So, a walking, talking kill-bot from the future with scant regard for human life and irresistible conviction to his one directive - to kill and prevent the future human resistance happening - is basically defeated by a timid waitress with no combat training, a worryingly fragile mental state and a single human dude from the future?

That just doesn't sit right: Arnie's Terminator was an unstoppable killing force, who could have squashed Connor like a bug, and should have if the film had any reflection of logic or reality. And before you say it, no, Kyle Reese wasn't enough of a force to help, otherwise he would have been a greater force in the human resistence of the future, rather than being sent back to have sex with his boss' Mom.

It all seems to hinge on the fact that the super-intelligent robots from the future somehow couldn't plan to simply send the Terminator back in time to when Sarah Connor was in kindergarten and kill her then, rather than allowing her to grow up all feisty-like and defeat their finest assassin.

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