12 Ruthless Movie Villains Who Lost To Complete Fools

2. Armageddon

Armageddon Film.jpg
Buena Vista Pictures

The Heroes: The Drill Team

Throughout Hollywood history she has tried to wipe out the inhabitants of Earth on multiple, colourful occasions: she is a kid with a magnifying glass and a cup of water, burning and drowning ants at her every whim, with little or no regard for the consequences of the insurance costs.

But the only really memorable time she has been thwarted directly by humans came in Michael Bay's typically over-blown Armageddon. Mother Nature had a strong hand, hurling a meteor at Earth large enough to ensure all life would be wiped out, with the only possible impediment being a zany human plot to destroy the instrument of doom.

But that was fine, as surely they would have had to send their very best men, and it would be a battle worthy of its billing... Or, Earth could send a couple of astronauts up in space with two crews of drug-using, law-dodging oil drillers with a minute amount of space training, and questionable mental states, including one who kept failing at his job and destroying all the machinery.

Who would have guessed that they would defy science in drilling to the right depth, and then conspire to miss the "zero barrier" point where destroying the meteor would still kill the Earth, but the plan would somehow work anyway? Something is not right there.

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