12 Ruthless Movie Villains Who Lost To Complete Fools

8. Doctor Claw

Doctor Claw

The Hero: Inspector Gadget

Probably the greatest and least heralded villain in the history of cartoons and - thanks to two awful movie adaptations - cinema, Doctor Claw should have been the ruler of the free world, thanks to his obvious innovative nature and his available resources. His base was incredible, and should have been impenetrable, he had a global crime syndicate under his control, and was arguably the finest evil cat owner ever to grace screens large or small.

Yes, his plans were largely flawed, and undermined terribly by the fact that one of the world's worst police forces were somehow always aware of them ahead of their execution, but Claw should have swatted away all enemies easily. So quite why he wasn't able to beat bumbling oaf Inspector Gadget, or his unqualified ten year old niece Penny remains a mystery of giant proportions.

Gadget spent most of the time wandering from one potentially fatal situation to the next, and his death at the hands of his own gadgets seemed inevitable. And yet, Doctor Claw was repeatedly left to rue his failed plans, disappearing with a vengeful "I'll get you next time, Gadget!" at the end of every episode.

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