12 Ruthless Movie Villains Who Lost To Complete Fools

9. Cyrus The Virus (And Friends)

The Hero: Cameron Poe

A controversial pick, no doubt, given how iconic Nic Cage's scraggly-haired hero has become in the years since Con Air's release, but it must always be remembered that the film is appreciated because it is solid gold garbage.

The one thing that the film did with real authenticity was offer us a villain, in the shape of John Malkovich's bald and dangerous Cyrus the Virus, the scourge of several police forces who manages to plot and execute a successful mid-air plane hijacking from under the noses of the FBI and the government. He is a proclaimed criminal mastermind, well worthy of incarceration in the Super Prison, and the collected scum of the Jailbird's passengers respect him as their leader.

But this criminal bad-ass and his rogue's gallery of vicious super criminals are undone by a single former US Ranger who was jailed for using excessive force on a drunk man, who is presented as a pacifist and wants nothing more than to give his daughter a bunny rabbit and sort his cell-mate out with some insulin. He also has long girly hair, suggesting that perhaps prison time might have turned Poe a little soft, which is far from his biggest error.

He is basically as dumb as soup, and sets about stopping Cyrus through a series of bungled events, and manages to get himself revealed and caught, and yet he still emerges with barely a scratch while Cyrus and his cohorts end up mostly dead.

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