12 Ruthless Movie Villains Who Lost To Complete Fools

6. Lord Voldemort

Harry Potter Voldemort Death
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Hero: Harry Potter

The final Harry Potter book and films were billed as the epic conclusion to the story, when The Boy Who Lived would face off against The Greatest Dark Wizard Of All Time, and we were promised high-profile deaths and high-octane magical duelling sequences. All very good for Harry Potter fans, until you take some time to reflect on the nature of the good/evil dynamic during the final battle.

Voldemort has up to that point single-handedly killed lots of people - both wizards and Muggles, with reckless abandon and a sneering ignorance to the value of their lives. He is a Dark Wizard and thus uses Unforgivable Curses like the Killing Curse, which would be irredeemable for any "good" wizard, and has proved himself to be on almost demi-God status in terms of his magical power. And yet he is undone by what amounts to a shield spell.

Because of the restrictions on Killing Curses even in battle, Harry is not actually allowed to use the easiest tool available to him, and instead has to fiercely attempt to disarm his foe, who is blood-thirsty with murderous rage, and yet still the boy who has proved himself to be not a very good wizard at all to date (at least in academic terms) somehow prevails.

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