12 Sci-Fi Movie Sequels That Deserve A Second Chance

8. Quatermass And The Pit

The Lost World Raptor
Studio Canal

A tense and thoughtful sequel, Quatermass and the Pit is one the better aged Hammer horrors, a sci-fi mystery wherein an enigmatic buried deep beneath the streets of London is revealed to be a Martian craft which, once disturbed, begins to manifest its power in strange ways through the minds of innocent onlookers.

This one was well liked upon release, but unlike its pair of predecessors The Quatermass Xperiment and Quatermass 2, Quatermass and the Pit is rarely singled out by sci-fi retrospective for a repeat viewing, and it’s a damn shame.

After all, this late sixties curio features some of the first depictions of alien civilizations influencing human evolution, an idea which the genre has repeatedly returned to in the decades since. However, few approaches to the material feature this flick’s hypnotic pace and chilling atmosphere, both of which make it a must watch for genre completists and casual fans alike.


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