12 Sci-Fi Movie Sequels That Deserve A Second Chance

6. Spider-Man 3

The Lost World Raptor
Sony Pictures

Sacrilege! Okay, so we’re well aware that defending the third and final instalment of Sam Raimi’s self-consciously corny Spider-Man trilogy is dangerous territory since it means justifying the inexplicable Peter Parker dance scene, but hear us out.

Yes, the flick is overstuffed and as a result none of its trio of villains are given sufficient screen time to do their respective baddies justice. Yes, Topher Grace is miscast as Eddie Brock and his Venom occasionally looks a little embarrassing. Yes, even the eternally likeable Bryce Dallas Howard struggles to make this film’s Gwen Stacy interesting.


The chaotic villain pile up does provide some impressive action set pieces, particularly the finale, and whilst his screen time is limited Thomas Hayden Church does an incredible job humanising Sandman, providing a rare villain which can stand toe to toe with Alfred Molina’s Doc Oc in terms of poignant believability.

So it’s far from perfect, but there’s more than enough good in Spider-Man 3 to deserve another re-watch—although yes, you can feel free to fast forward through the dance scene.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.