12 Sci-Fi Movies That Got The Future SCARILY Right

8. The Terminator - Military Drone Technology

Face-Off Travolta Cage
Orion Pictures

Sci-fi has had a long-held fascination for depictions of battles and wars that are fought without any human involvement, and let's just keep our fingers crossed that The Terminator's depiction of unmanned military drones doesn't eventually come back to haunt us when the robot uprising finally happens.

Unfortunately, the way that the world works is that any sort of groundbreaking or innovative technology tends to be developed for military application as soon as possible, and while you can now have your Amazon purchases delivered via drone, they can also be used to blow a building in half.

Calling them Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles is at least a lot more pleasant on the ears than Hunter-Killer, and with the first weapons-ready remotely-triggered drone first being used in 2001, we hadn't even reached the first of the four forgettable Terminator sequels before James Cameron's post-apocalyptic vision had become a reality.


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