12 Sci-Fi Movies That Got The Future SCARILY Right

7. Total Recall - Full Body Scanners

Face-Off Travolta Cage
TriStar Pictures

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Paul Verhoeven teaming up for a blockbuster action-packed sci-fi was never going to focus on plausibility, but despite how insane Total Recall gets the movie did manage to predict that security scanners would one day be able to see you right down to your unmentionables.

With airport security only getting tighter and tighter in the three decades since the movie was released, there was always an air of inevitability about high-powered scanners that could see right down to the bone. The social subtext also remains highly relevant, as we now just accept it as part of the routine of going through the various checks required to board a flight, rather than the massive invasion of privacy it was decried as.

As of yet, nobody has tried to pull a Douglas Quaid and jump directly through the scanner in an effort to escape the authorities, but the day that Total Recall can be cited as both a cautionary tale on how to get on a flight in the correct manner and as an accurate technological prediction of the future is nonetheless a very strange one indeed.


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