12 Sci-Fis With Bafflingly Low Rotten Tomatoes Scores
4. I, Robot - 56%
I, Robot admittedly is a film you don't think too much about. The sci-fi trope of A.I gaining sentience has been done to death and by better writers and directors, but there is something fundamentally exciting in I, Robot.
It's a futuristic murder-mystery with a few twists and turns; and the film comes at a time when Will Smith stopped screaming into the camera and put on his "I'm an actual actor" hat.
All the performances (even Shia LaBeouf) are great, and while most of the visual effects wouldn't hold up today, the motion captured character of Sonny is what stood out the most in the film. And while this 2004 summer blockbuster probably lost a few merit badges with an overblown action sequence at the end, what was really driving the film was Will Smith's performance.
So many more films have made a better story out of this concept, and while in comparison to films like Blade Runner, Ex Machina or even Westworld, this film doesn't reach their heights of intelligence.
I, Robot doesn't deserve such a low scoring when it is a film that at least tried to reach heights with splicing science-fiction with philosophical ideas.