12 Sequels That Forgot The End Of The Last Movie

10. The Avengers

Dr Selvig Loki Thor

The Ending

At the end of Thor - which is the MCU movie chronologically closest to The Avengers - there's a post-credits scene that reveals that Nick Fury is in possession of the Tesseract (as he is at the start of The Avengers), but more importantly that Loki is alive and mind-controlling Doctor Selvig.

But Then...

If Loki was already controlling Selvig, why did he then have to use the sceptre to control him again in The Avengers? Why did he even need the sceptre at all if he was perfectly capable of taking over the minds of his enemies remotely? It's not a good look for the Marvel continuity team.

Come to think of it, Thor: Ragnarok also ignores this ending, since it establishes that Loki was forced to visit lots of strange new worlds and see unimaginable horrors. Presumably, the inside of Erik Selvig's head was not one of them.


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