12 Stupid Film Posters That Totally Spoiled The Movie

1. Switchblade Romance


Desensitising this film€™s jaw-dropping twist is cruel. Switchblade Romance (or High Tension as it's known in the US) is a flick that demands repeat viewings with a cluster of your nearest and dearest all keen to figure out the what happened whens, and how she could haves. There€™'s a lot of investigatory, nitpicking joy to be had launching into a rewatch after the film€™'s last act reveals that Marie is actually the murderer.

There is no psycho in a truck - it€™'s all a product of her unstable mind, after refusing to grasp that her best friend won'€™t sleep with her. We€™ve all been there love but there'€™s no need to air your complaint via decapitation. It'€™s a smart, scary-as-hell movie and that twist makes it all the more horrifying. It's just a shame that it's on the damn poster.

Which other movies have you seen spoiled by the posters? Share your own finds below in the comments thread.


Gem is a freelance writer, musician and librarian. Her hobbies include: recreating movie death scenes from LEGO, concocting new types of bird suet cakes, walking on fresh snow and playing the glockenspiel - all at the same time.