12 Tech Advances We Should Have By Now (According To Movies)

10. Telescreens

Promised By: Nineteen Eighty-Four The telescreen is the iconic symbol of Big Brother found every where imaginable in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, and frankly, it is the bee's knees of CCTV systems. The oppressive ruling Party of Oceania uses these ubiquitous surveillance devices to ensure total domination and control over its subjects, eliminating the threat of conspiracy or any attempt from the people of crawling out of the gutter at any moment. Now you could argue that with CCTV, we do already have a form of the telescreen, but not the full oppressive deal. As the title suggests, Orwell predicted this invention would hit the world by 1984, and this is truly one invention you should probably be glad has not come to fruition, given how little privacy (none) you'd end up with. Not only are telescreens surveillance devices, but they are beyond intrusive; imagine David Cameron being able to discover your favourite breakfast cereal and use it to bend your will to his every whim.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.