12 Terrible CGI Moments In High Budget Movies

7. Ninja Vampires - Blade II

Blade 2 Vampire Ninja
New Line Cinema

Guillermo del Toro may be a master filmmaker, but Blade II certainly isn't a well-aged representation of his directorial talents.

The film is notorious for its over-reliance on CGI during set-pieces, especially those involving human movement, which is one of the toughest aspects of animation to get right.

The most infamous sequence sees Blade (Wesley Snipes) battling two mercenaries, and while in theory it has plenty of potential for an acrobatic martial arts showcase, the excess of CGI is just too distracting.

Del Toro made the ill-advised decision to use visual effects to have both Blade and the mercs flip around at a greater height than is humanly possible, but their weightless movement is laughably unconvincing, and their bodies stretch to weirdly incorrect proportions at random (see Blade's thin, over-stretched leg pictured above).

It's a shame because there are some genuinely well-choreographed beats during this fight, but the constant cutting between practical and digital combat is immensely jarring at best.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.