12 Terrible Early Concepts That Almost Ruined Iconic Heroes

9. Black Widow Could've Been Wasp & Thor Could've Been An Anime Character

Joss Whedon has revealed that an early draft for the Avengers had Janet Van Dyne Aka the Wasp instead of Black Widow. So, rather than having a different version of Black Widow, we nearly didn't have her at all. Whedon said:
There was a little bit of time when we thought we might not actually get Scarlett . There was a very Wasp-y draft that I wrote €“ but it was way too Wasp-y. Because I was like, €˜She adorable! I€™m just going to write her!€™
Can you imagine an Avengers movie - or indeed an Avengers line-up - without Scarlett Johansson's sexy agent? We certainly can't and the movie would have been a lot less enticing without her presence. Similarly, it would have been very different had an early draft of Thor's appearance been the one Marvel went with for their Asgardian warrior. It looked like some kind of anime character or someone from a Final Fantasy video game and was a far cry from the somewhat regal and sleeker Thor that we actually got and, frankly, it just wouldn't have felt right.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.