12 Terrible Movie Characters Redeemed By Awesome Deaths

3. Paige Edwards - House Of Wax

Paris Hilton House Of Wax
Warner Bros.

Remember Paris Hilton, folks? Back in the mid-2000s, she was one of pop-culture's most vapid and reviled celebrity figures, but she pulled a Justin Bieber before Justin Bieber was even a thing, by similarly cashing in on the pervasive hatred for her "brand".

Though Hilton plays a young woman by the name of Paige Edwards in 2005's House of Wax reboot, she's essentially just playing herself: ditzy, over-sexed and annoying as hell. There's a half-baked attempt to evoke audience sympathy by hinting that she might be pregnant, but even this doesn't do much to make her any more likeable.

Cause Of Death: Killer Vincent (Brian Van Holt) hurls a giant metal pole through a car window, impaling her in the head. After her lifeless corpse is thrown back against a metal fence, it and the pole fall down to the floor, only pushing the pole further through her head, as blood freely flows from the exit wound. Lovely.

It's an extremely satisfying death for an eye-roller of a character, and you have to give mild credit to Hilton for putting her vanity aside and getting offed so brutally. Hell, the marketing for the movie even spoiled her fate ahead of time in order to get more butts in seats.

Paris Hilton House Of Wax
Warner Bros.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.