12 Terrible Recent Movies Destined To Become Cult Classics

10. London Has Fallen

Gods Of Egypt
Focus Features

Why It's Terrible: This is a perfunctory but inevitable blockbuster sequel so jam-packed with not-so-casual racism and cheesy one-liners that it makes the original look positively restrained by comparison.

From the scarcely-veiled paycheck-grabbing of its cast (except Morgan Freeman, who straight-up admitted it in an interview) through to the pandering revenge porn tone, London Has Fallen virtually defines the cynical, lazy Hollywood sausage factory at its very worst.

Why It'll Be A Cult Classic: Simply, there's always going to be an audience for a movie where the hero tells a terrorist, "Why don't you pack up your stuff and head back to F***headistan or wherever you came from?"

Outside of the lucrative gun-totting redneck demographic, there are legions of B-movie fans who will keep this movie alive with their semi-ironic viewing parties, chuckling at the dialogue but genuinely savouring the admittedly functional action sequences.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.