12 Things Disney Want You To Forget About Star Wars

3. Darth Plagueis

Star Wars Plagueis.jpg

In Revenge Of The Sith, George Lucas revealed a major piece of Sith mythology, having Palpatine tell Anakin "The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise". A Sith Lord with the power to create life and prevent death, his backstory was further expanded in a book, which confirmed he was indeed Palpatine's master (and that the Emperor was behind Anakin's creation).

Despite everything but the in-movie story since being made non-canon, Plageuis has shot in notoriety recently thanks to the very popular fan theory that he succeeded in cheating death and is now Supreme Leader Snoke. There's plenty of signals for this - Snoke's theme is similar to that played during the Plageuis scene, he's described by Kylo Ren as "wise" and it would allow the Sequel Trilogy to be more than just forced continuation - and it's this theory that means Disney will want to downplay the existence of the Sith Lord; if he is, then Lucasfilm want to stop people guessing it, while if he isn't they'll want to avoid fans being disappointed.

As such, while The Clone Wars and Rebels had lots of allusions to Sith Legends, Plagueis has been noticeably absent, almost like you're meant to not think he's in this new continuity.

Interestingly though, there's also been a concerted effort to avoid giving up too many details about Snoke; The Secrets Of The Force Awakens documentary spends very little time on the character to avoid revealing any spoilific info and there's been no toys made of him.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.