12 Things Disney Want You To Forget About Star Wars

12. The Death Star Is In The Prequels

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Death Star.jpg

Chronologically, the Death Star was first seen in Attack Of The Clones as Geonosian-designed schematics and by the end of Revenge Of The Sith was already being constructed. That already created something of a plot hole - why did it take nineteen years to build the first one when a second could be pretty much finished in three - although that's nothing compared to what Rogue One's bringing to the table.

The first spin-off under the Disney banner is dramatising the opening crawl of A New Hope, detailing the Rebellion's discovery of the Death Star and the first victory during which their stole the plans. But how are they only just finding out about it now, what looks like weeks before the first film?

Things are complicated further by the rumours that Mads Mikkelsen will play the space station's architect who goes all Oppenheimer when he realises his creation's destructive potential It's a great idea and, based on what we saw in the teaser, will really play into the morally complex backdrop of Rogue One, but it does pose a bit of a problem in terms of the wider continuity.; if he made it, then where do the Geonosians fit in?

It seems that, while the prequels still exist, maybe Disney's hoping people aren't rewatching them that often.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.