12 Things Disney Want You To Forget About Star Wars

11. George Lucas Wrote A Star Wars 7

Star Wars Diney George Lucas.jpg

It's easy to forget on the back of the planet-destroying success of The Force Awakens that when Disney first acquired Lucasfilm the general reaction was one of trepidation. Wasn't Star Wars finished? Didn't it feel a bit like sabering a dead Taun-Taun?

A big part in initially legitimising Episode VII was pointing out that the purchase also included George Lucas' story treatments for Episodes VII, VIII and IX, meaning that whatever happened, it played into the original plan and wasn't just some easy cash-grab. This was really played up in the coverage of the original deal, with these drafts made to sound as important as the merchandising rights.

And then, very quietly, they were dropped. Maybe Lucas' vision sucked or perhaps Disney realised his name didn't carry the weight it did in 1999, but very early in development it was made clear they were going in a very different direction. These don't even get a mention in the Secrets Of The Force Awakens documentary, hiding that the creator (and credited character creator) was shafted and meaning we'll probably never know what was in those versions.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.